Friday, April 18, 2008

Virtual Office, $1607. SPY, +1.76, 138.82.

Me, $814 on 7600 shares traded.
OBAT, $395 on 5000 shares traded.
Timmay, $180 on 2000 shares traded.
Denarii, $107 on 2800 shares traded.
Dehtrader, $89 on 3500 shares traded.
Ainkurn, $22 on 650 shares traded.
Retardo, no trades.

The pope rules. He blessed the entire VO... not one red (reporting... AHEM!) member.

Seriously, today was insane. I traded the first hour or so and then went surfing for the rest of the day. I just can't get into the market going up everyday on this ridiculous volume.

The good news is that my company's execution system went down midday and stayed down, so I didn't miss anything by not being here anyway.

My house is currently surrounded by 3 year olds... I see them outside, bitter and clinging to their sippy cups and mothers, just waiting to destroy my house. We're hosting playgroup...

Yes, I will be drinking tonight.

I will definitely have a daily post up for this weekend, perhaps up very late tonight. Stop by.

What's Really Driving Stocks Higher....

"Howdy folks, buy stocks!" Pope Benedict XXIVCXXIII, April 2008

A Disappointed Reader?

Last night, some poor soul searched for "up the ass with a candlestick" in Google. Their first option was this post... something tells me they left my blog disappointed.